Pathway to Permanent Residency – Go Tasmania

If you are interested in permanently migrating to Australia, than Tasmania could be the most convenient way to achieve this.


Tasmania has introduced a new pathway for overseas applicants planning to migrate to Australia on a permanent basis. You may have options in Tasmania even if your occupation does not fall into the Skilled Occupation List (please contact us for more information). Tasmania offers State Migration Plan and Consolidated Skilled Occupations Lists (CSOL). This visa will allow many skilled professionals, due to the wider occupation spectrum, to migrate to Australia.


You may be deemed eligible for this visa if you have been nominated by the Tasmanian Government and are willing to commit to living in Tasmania for two years following the grant of your visa. You must also meet certain requirements to receive nomination from the Tasmanian state as well as the Department of Home Affairs (the “DHA”) (formerly DIBP).


–       You have your nominated occupation listed on the Tasmanian Skilled Occupations List (TSOL)

–       You received a positive skills assessment against your specified occupation

–       You have a recognised level of English language proficiency

–       You are meeting a minimum score on the Department of Home Affairs (the “DHA”) (formerly DIBP) minimum Point Test score


Category 1 – Tasmanian Graduate

You have successfully graduated from a CRICOS registered tertiary institution in Tasmania and you lived in the state for at least 12 months during the period of study.

Category 2 – Working in Tasmania

–       You have a formal job offer for a position based in Tasmania

–       You worked full time (minimum 35hours per week) in Tasmania for 3 months prior to your application

–       The employment is highly relevant to your nominated occupation

–       The employer has been actively operating their business in Tasmania for the past 12 months

Category 3 – Overseas Applicant (job offer)

–       You must be living overseas (you have not lived anywhere in Australia for last 12 months)

–       You received a formal job offer in Tasmania within your nominated occupation.

Special Category – Small Business Owner

You may be considered for this category if you can demonstrate a genuine intention to establish a business in Tasmania.

In order to migrate to Tasmania, you can apply for the following visas:

·       Skilled Independent (Sc 189)

·       Skilled Nominated (Sc 190)

·       Skilled Regional (Provisional) (Sc 489)

·       Skilled Regional (Sc 887)

If you wish to determine your eligibility for the above Tasmanian visa, contact us for an appointment. Please note that we can also assist you with many other migration services to establish your eligibility for permanent residency pathways.

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